Wednesday, June 12, 2024

3 Adventure: The wizards killer

The Beginning

The city-state of Asvelgoth was thrown into turmoil by a series of brutal murders targeting its most powerful wizards. The Protectors—Rojan, a skilled rogue; Perdita, a devoted gnoll ranger of Mielikki; Alacian Loc, a powerful drow wizard; and Zeera Ibanez, a cleric of Ternusla, the god of out-of-the-box thinking—were tasked with investigating these heinous crimes.

Investigating the Murders

Rojan took to the shadows and contacted Lucia Many Eyes, a halfling rogue and underworld informant. Lucia revealed the existence of Lady Vulture, a notorious black market dealer who might have information about the murders. Despite the danger, Rojan decided to visit Lady Vulture's hideout under the old clockwork factory.

Perdita went to Professor Salarius's house, hoping to uncover clues about his death. Inside, she detected a faint scent of clean velvet, roses, and expensive wine, suggesting the murderer had come from a luxurious place. However, her investigation was cut short by Lady Salarius, who angrily demanded Perdita leave her brother’s house, using racist remarks about her gnoll heritage: "I won't tolerate your kind here. Get out of my brother's house, you filthy animal!"

Alacian Loc ventured to the park where Maester Sephiral had been killed. Using his magical abilities, he discovered residual conjuration auras and a threatening message in Draconic: "Unnatural magic will be purged!" However, before he could leave, the masked assassin ambushed him, resulting in Alacian's tragic decapitation.

Zeera Ibanez visited House Corvinus to learn more about Maester Sephiral. Lady Iovahana Corvinus, granddaughter of Archwizard Linxora Corvinus, revealed Sephiral’s rapid rise in the Academy had made him many enemies. She also shared rumors of a more personal nature, suggesting that Archwizard Linxora had a romantic relationship with Maester Eustakius Sephiral. His exceptional talent in magic had caught her eye, despite the controversy surrounding his swift ascent within the Academy. Zeera learned about a dark artifact used to curse the souls of the murdered wizards, preventing their resurrection.

Encounter with Lady Vulture

The Protectors regrouped and decided to follow Rojan’s lead to Lady Vulture’s hideout. Despite the ominous reputation of their host, they negotiated information in exchange for a future favor. Lady Vulture disclosed that a man in a silver mask had recently bought anti-magic items from her and hinted at his connection to "The Blue Diamond," the most luxurious hotel in Asvelgoth.

Confrontation at The Blue Diamond

Arriving at The Blue Diamond, the Protectors found chaos in the lobby. High-level wizards from House Corvinus were recklessly attacking the masked man, causing significant collateral damage. The masked man, revealed to be a blue dragon in disguise, eliminated the wizards one by one despite the Protectors’ efforts to intervene and stop the bloodshed.

The dragon, overwhelmed by the relentless attacks, decided to flee. Despite Rojan's successful attempt to grapple the dragon, he broke free and escaped through the glass ceiling of the domed lobby.

Investigating the Penthouse

Determined to find more clues, the Protectors searched the penthouse where the masked man had been staying. They found:

  • 50,000 platinum (handed to the authorities)
  • Assorted magical wands (Scorching Ray, Magic Missile, Silence)
  • Anti-magic shield scrolls
  • Greater Dispel Magic scrolls
  • 12 Potions of Greater Healing
  • Wizard slaying arrows
  • A list of powerful wizards, with a note about Archwizard Corvinus being "too powerful, leave her for last"
  • An artifact resembling a clock, with bubbles containing the swirling ghostly figures of Alacian Loc and the three recently decapitated wizards

Reporting to the High Marshal

The Protectors presented their findings to High Marshal Bostoro, who praised their efforts but also informed them of the mixed reception from House Corvinus. The artifact was taken for further investigation, and Bostoro advised the Protectors to rest and mourn their fallen comrade, Alacian Loc.

Visit from Iovahana Corvinus

That night, Iovahana Corvinus visited the Protectors, bringing news that her grandmother, Archwizard Linxora Corvinus, had freed Alacian’s soul but was displeased with the Protectors for failing to capture the assassin and not aiding the Corvinus team. Despite these tensions, Iovahana offered her assistance and a recommendation for a replacement caster if needed.

Iovahana: "My great grandmother is not happy. We assume both Salinas and the Maester's souls were destroyed. She had Maester Eustakius as a close friend, so she is not happy you didn't catch the culprit. Also, she blames you for not helping the Corvinus team that was dispatched to kill the assassin. However, the general view of the public seems to be that you made the assassin flee and brought peace and tranquility back to the Magical Academy and to Asvelgoth."

Despite the mixed sentiments from House Corvinus, Iovahana offered to help the Protectors by recommending a replacement caster if needed.

Resurrecting Alacian Loc

Desperate to bring their friend back, the Protectors sold all the magical items they had found, raising enough money for Alacian’s resurrection. They approached a high-ranking cleric who performed the resurrection ritual with great care. After a tense and emotional moment, Alacian Loc was brought back to life.

Rojan: "Welcome back, Alacian. We missed you." Perdita: "It's good to have you back. We have much to catch up on." Zeera Ibanez: "Your return brings us great joy, Alacian. We'll need your strength and wisdom in the challenges ahead."


The Protectors faced numerous challenges, uncovered significant information about the masked assassin, and managed to thwart immediate threats. They gathered valuable resources and successfully resurrected their fallen comrade. Despite the mixed reception from House Corvinus, they remain committed to protecting Asvelgoth and pursuing justice. The journey ahead remains fraught with danger, but the Protectors are more determined than ever to bring peace to their city.

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