Wednesday, June 19, 2024

4 Adventure: The Crown and the Diamond


The Mission

The Protectors were summoned by High Marshal Bostoro to a secret meeting place beneath the old cathedral. They were tasked with investigating the theft of valuable artifacts—the Crown of Queen Sabbath and the Star Diamond—purchased by House Luxsor. The items were lost during their transport, along with high-level wizards who were supposed to teleport them to the Luxsor vault.

Investigations and Clues

  1. The Docks Investigation: The Protectors visited the docks where the ships "The Eye of Europa" and "Aladriel" had arrived. Perdita detected a strange odor near the ships, specifically the smell of babies, powder, and milk. Alacian analyzed residual magical energies. They followed the traces to an orphanage.

  2. Orphanage Inquiry: At the orphanage, they met Sister Daucua and Sister Capsica. They noticed Capsica's defensiveness but were assured the donations came from an anonymous benefactor.

Combat and Curses

  1. Dream Attack: That night, the Protectors experienced a shared dream where a scary flying woman wearing a mask with a skull face and tears coming from the eye sockets warned them to abandon their pursuit. She introduced herself as Lacrimosa and threatened them with eternal sleep. Alacian and Rojan could not wake up, falling under a curse that Zeera attempted to lift multiple times.

  2. Ambush by Shadows: While investigating coming back from the library, Rojan and Perdita were ambushed by shadow constructs resembling Rojan’s old party members—Albica the witch, Vernon the construct fighter, and Azure the conjurer teleporter. The Protectors defeated these constructs, confirming Lacrimosa's involvement.

Retrieving the Crown

  1. Infiltrating the Pirate Ship: The Protectors learned that the Crown of Queen Sabbath was in the possession of a pirate named Victor C, whose ship was disguised as a Fish Oil cargo ship. They infiltrated the ship, successfully disarming traps and retrieving the Crown from the captain's quarters. However, they were discovered by Captain Victor C, leading to a fierce battle.

  2. Escape and Confrontation: The Protectors fought their way out, defeating the thugs but facing a skilled Captain Victor C. They managed to escape on a rowboat, with the captain yelling threats of revenge.

Unveiling Lacrimosa

  1. Confronting Sister Capsica: Upon returning, High Marshal Bostoro revealed that Sister Capsica was an illegitimate member of the Luxsor house. This information added context to her actions and resentment towards the Luxsors. During this confrontation, they recognized phrases similar to those used by the entity Lacrimosa in their dreams, raising their suspicions further. The Protectors confronted Capsica, who revealed herself to be Lacrimosa. She justified her actions as necessary for the orphanage's survival.

  2. Negotiation with Lacrimosa: Lacrimosa offered to return the Star Diamond and the wizards if the Protectors kept her identity secret. She argued that her thefts were for a noble cause, helping the orphanage and its 95 children. The Protectors agreed to her terms, prioritizing the well-being of the children and a peaceful resolution.

Resolution and Rewards

  1. Returning the Artifacts: The Protectors returned the Star Diamond and the wizards to House Luxsor, receiving a reward of 3000 gp. High Marshal Bostoro congratulated them, and the Luxsors publicly thanked the Protectors. Newspapers praised their heroic deeds, with headlines celebrating the recovery of the stolen artifacts and the safe return of the wizards.

  2. Lucia’s Favor: Lucia Many Eyes, the information broker, called in her favor, asking for a date with Alacian. This request caused a bit of fraternal jealousy in Perdita, but the group supported Alacian.

Reflection and Rest

  1. Reflecting on the Events: The Protectors gathered at their base, reflecting on the moral complexities of their mission. They discussed the importance of balancing justice with compassion and prepared for future challenges.

Key Characters:

  • Rojan: A female human rogue, skilled in stealth and combat.
  • Perdita: A female gnoll ranger devoted to Miliki, keen senses and tracking abilities.
  • Alacian Loc: A drow wizard, recently resurrected and recovering from a curse.
  • Zeera Ibanez: A female cleric of Ternusla, determined and compassionate.
  • High Marshal Bostoro: The chief of the city guard, tasked with maintaining order.
  • Sister Capsica (Lacrimosa): An illegitimate member of the Luxsor house, using her powers to support the orphanage.
  • Sister Daucua: An elderly dwarf nun, overseeing the orphanage.
  • Captain Victor C: A pirate involved in the theft of the Crown, later encountered by the Protectors.
  • Lucia Many Eyes: A halfling rogue and information broker, who later asked for a date with Alacian.

Key Locations:

  • The Docks: Where the ships arrived and where the Protectors first investigated the theft.
  • The Orphanage: The central location tied to Lacrimosa’s actions and motivations.
  • Secret Meeting Place: Beneath the old cathedral, where the Protectors received their missions and debriefed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

3 Adventure: The wizards killer

The Beginning

The city-state of Asvelgoth was thrown into turmoil by a series of brutal murders targeting its most powerful wizards. The Protectors—Rojan, a skilled rogue; Perdita, a devoted gnoll ranger of Mielikki; Alacian Loc, a powerful drow wizard; and Zeera Ibanez, a cleric of Ternusla, the god of out-of-the-box thinking—were tasked with investigating these heinous crimes.

Investigating the Murders

Rojan took to the shadows and contacted Lucia Many Eyes, a halfling rogue and underworld informant. Lucia revealed the existence of Lady Vulture, a notorious black market dealer who might have information about the murders. Despite the danger, Rojan decided to visit Lady Vulture's hideout under the old clockwork factory.

Perdita went to Professor Salarius's house, hoping to uncover clues about his death. Inside, she detected a faint scent of clean velvet, roses, and expensive wine, suggesting the murderer had come from a luxurious place. However, her investigation was cut short by Lady Salarius, who angrily demanded Perdita leave her brother’s house, using racist remarks about her gnoll heritage: "I won't tolerate your kind here. Get out of my brother's house, you filthy animal!"

Alacian Loc ventured to the park where Maester Sephiral had been killed. Using his magical abilities, he discovered residual conjuration auras and a threatening message in Draconic: "Unnatural magic will be purged!" However, before he could leave, the masked assassin ambushed him, resulting in Alacian's tragic decapitation.

Zeera Ibanez visited House Corvinus to learn more about Maester Sephiral. Lady Iovahana Corvinus, granddaughter of Archwizard Linxora Corvinus, revealed Sephiral’s rapid rise in the Academy had made him many enemies. She also shared rumors of a more personal nature, suggesting that Archwizard Linxora had a romantic relationship with Maester Eustakius Sephiral. His exceptional talent in magic had caught her eye, despite the controversy surrounding his swift ascent within the Academy. Zeera learned about a dark artifact used to curse the souls of the murdered wizards, preventing their resurrection.

Encounter with Lady Vulture

The Protectors regrouped and decided to follow Rojan’s lead to Lady Vulture’s hideout. Despite the ominous reputation of their host, they negotiated information in exchange for a future favor. Lady Vulture disclosed that a man in a silver mask had recently bought anti-magic items from her and hinted at his connection to "The Blue Diamond," the most luxurious hotel in Asvelgoth.

Confrontation at The Blue Diamond

Arriving at The Blue Diamond, the Protectors found chaos in the lobby. High-level wizards from House Corvinus were recklessly attacking the masked man, causing significant collateral damage. The masked man, revealed to be a blue dragon in disguise, eliminated the wizards one by one despite the Protectors’ efforts to intervene and stop the bloodshed.

The dragon, overwhelmed by the relentless attacks, decided to flee. Despite Rojan's successful attempt to grapple the dragon, he broke free and escaped through the glass ceiling of the domed lobby.

Investigating the Penthouse

Determined to find more clues, the Protectors searched the penthouse where the masked man had been staying. They found:

  • 50,000 platinum (handed to the authorities)
  • Assorted magical wands (Scorching Ray, Magic Missile, Silence)
  • Anti-magic shield scrolls
  • Greater Dispel Magic scrolls
  • 12 Potions of Greater Healing
  • Wizard slaying arrows
  • A list of powerful wizards, with a note about Archwizard Corvinus being "too powerful, leave her for last"
  • An artifact resembling a clock, with bubbles containing the swirling ghostly figures of Alacian Loc and the three recently decapitated wizards

Reporting to the High Marshal

The Protectors presented their findings to High Marshal Bostoro, who praised their efforts but also informed them of the mixed reception from House Corvinus. The artifact was taken for further investigation, and Bostoro advised the Protectors to rest and mourn their fallen comrade, Alacian Loc.

Visit from Iovahana Corvinus

That night, Iovahana Corvinus visited the Protectors, bringing news that her grandmother, Archwizard Linxora Corvinus, had freed Alacian’s soul but was displeased with the Protectors for failing to capture the assassin and not aiding the Corvinus team. Despite these tensions, Iovahana offered her assistance and a recommendation for a replacement caster if needed.

Iovahana: "My great grandmother is not happy. We assume both Salinas and the Maester's souls were destroyed. She had Maester Eustakius as a close friend, so she is not happy you didn't catch the culprit. Also, she blames you for not helping the Corvinus team that was dispatched to kill the assassin. However, the general view of the public seems to be that you made the assassin flee and brought peace and tranquility back to the Magical Academy and to Asvelgoth."

Despite the mixed sentiments from House Corvinus, Iovahana offered to help the Protectors by recommending a replacement caster if needed.

Resurrecting Alacian Loc

Desperate to bring their friend back, the Protectors sold all the magical items they had found, raising enough money for Alacian’s resurrection. They approached a high-ranking cleric who performed the resurrection ritual with great care. After a tense and emotional moment, Alacian Loc was brought back to life.

Rojan: "Welcome back, Alacian. We missed you." Perdita: "It's good to have you back. We have much to catch up on." Zeera Ibanez: "Your return brings us great joy, Alacian. We'll need your strength and wisdom in the challenges ahead."


The Protectors faced numerous challenges, uncovered significant information about the masked assassin, and managed to thwart immediate threats. They gathered valuable resources and successfully resurrected their fallen comrade. Despite the mixed reception from House Corvinus, they remain committed to protecting Asvelgoth and pursuing justice. The journey ahead remains fraught with danger, but the Protectors are more determined than ever to bring peace to their city.

Friday, June 7, 2024

2 Adventure: Rage for Justice


The Call to Action

The party of Protectors, known for their bravery and dedication, was called to their usual meeting place by their contact. The mission was urgent: a gang of gnolls worshipping the god of cruelty had seized control of the poor district of Asvelgoth. The gang, known as the Rage for Justice, was fighting against social injustice, but their methods were brutal and evil. They used guerrilla tactics, making them hard to catch, and recruited the local youth by fueling them with tales of oppression.

Assumed Identities

To infiltrate the Rage for Justice without compromising the mission, the party assumed fake personas:

  • Rojan: "Bloodycuts," a notorious assassin who had been secretly arrested.
  • Perdita: "Cervelux," a ruthless mercenary gnoll, dying her fur black with a white mane.
  • Alacian Loc: "Nefarious D'Ante," an evil drow wizard with a white wig to cover his natural red hair.
  • Zeera Ibanez: "Spine," a malevolent cleric.

The First Test: Bank Heist

To prove their loyalty and competence, Vark, a leader within the organization, assigned them to rob a bank in a neighboring district. The mission required them to make a bold statement and show their strength.

  • Rojan: Sneaked into the bank to disable alarms and create a clear path.
  • Perdita: Led the charge, using her combat skills to intimidate and control the crowd.
  • Alacian Loc: Cast spells like Fog Cloud to create confusion and fake threats.
  • Zeera Ibanez: Provided support and healing, ensuring minimal harm.

The heist was a success. The party took enough money to look convincing while leaving some for the poor, maintaining their cover and gaining Vark's trust.

The Second Test: Dock Raid

Impressed by their efficiency, Vark assigned them a more challenging task: stealing a cargo of weapons and armor from the ship Mary Magdalene at the docks. These weapons would bolster the gang's efforts.

  • Rojan: Scouted ahead to eliminate key guards.
  • Perdita: Led the assault with brutal efficiency.
  • Alacian Loc: Used magic to create chaos and disrupt defenses.
  • Zeera Ibanez: Supported the party, ensuring a clean operation.

The raid was executed flawlessly, further solidifying their position within the organization.

The Reveal: Meeting Grondell

After their successful missions, Vark and Mirkor introduced the party to Grondell the Bone Breaker, the gnoll barbarian/cleric leader of the Rage for Justice. Grondell was imposing, with shiny red eyes and a muscular frame wielding a massive Warhammer.

To Perdita's shock, Grondell was her long-lost brother, Gronde. The pressure of the situation overwhelmed her, and in a moment of vulnerability, she revealed her true identity.

Perdita: "Gronde... it's me, Perdita. Your sister."

Grondell's eyes widened in recognition, his shock quickly turning to anger.

Grondell: "Perdita! You've shamed our family by abandoning our ways. I'll kill you and send your bones to the elders!"

The Battle

Grondell ordered Vark and Mirkor to kill the party. A fierce battle ensued:

  • Vark: Attempted to escape but was intercepted by Rojan.
  • Mirkor: Engaged Alacian Loc but was ultimately brought down by his spells.
  • Grondell: Focused his attacks on Perdita, driven by rage and a desire to reclaim his family's honor.

The party fought valiantly. Rojan, Alacian Loc, and Zeera provided critical support, healing, and offensive magic. Despite Grondell's formidable strength and rage-fueled resilience, Perdita's determination and the party's unity prevailed. Grondell was finally subdued, falling unconscious.

Reflections and Discoveries

With the immediate threat neutralized, the party found detailed plans for the riot and notes revealing a secret donor funding the Rage for Justice with vast amounts of money. This discovery hinted at a larger conspiracy and a well-funded network.

The Weight of Their Journey

Back at their home, the party was rewarded with 1000 gold pieces each by the authorities. They took the time to rest and reflect.

Perdita struggled with the fact that she had momentarily considered her brother's offer. She opened up to Rojan about her doubts and commitment to Mielikki.

Rojan: "Perdita, your moment of doubt doesn't define you. Your actions and the choices you made afterward do. You're strong and brave, and we're here to support you."

Alacian Loc reflected on his transformation from a power-hungry drow to a protector of the city. He shared his feelings of societal prejudice and his desire to use his magic for good.

Perdita: "I understand, Alacian. We're both working to change the perceptions of our people. Let's keep moving forward together."

A Lighter Moment

In an effort to lighten the mood, Perdita joked about the black dye in her fur and Alacian's white wig.

Perdita: "Now I wonder how long it's going to take for this black dye to fade out of my fur. But why haven't you taken off that ridiculous white wig, 'Nefarious'?"

Alacian laughed, dramatically removing the wig.

Alacian Loc: "I completely forgot about this thing! It's become such a part of my disguise. But yes, much better without it."

The party's laughter echoed through their home, a comforting reminder of their strong bond. They knew more challenges awaited them, but they were ready to face them united and determined.


With Perdita's resolve to change the perception of gnolls and Alacian Loc's determination to prove that not all Drow are evil, the party rested, ready to uncover the truth behind the secret donor and bring justice to Asvelgoth. Their journey continued, strengthened by their shared experiences and unwavering support for one another.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

1 Adventure: The Story of Father OuiKa and the Disappearance of Judge Mendelson

Prologue: A City in Peril

In the dark, sprawling city of Asvelgoth, whispers of fear and unease spread like wildfire. Judge Mendelson, a key figure in the city’s judiciary and the man who had sent the notorious criminal Father Ouika to prison, had vanished without a trace. The city officials, desperate to find the judge and prevent any further chaos, called upon the brave adventurers Zeera Ibanez, Rojan, Perdita, and Alacian Loc to solve the mystery.

Chapter 1: The Disappearance

The party's journey began in their familiar haunt, a dimly lit tavern where their trusted contact awaited. Over hushed tones and wary glances, they learned of Judge Mendelson’s disappearance. The clues were scarce, but the stakes were high. Determined to uncover the truth, they set off to investigate.

Their first stop was the judge's office. Amidst stacks of legal documents and dusty shelves, they discovered a series of threatening letters. These letters, filled with dark promises and ominous warnings, demanded that the judge rule in favor of Father Ouika, dating back to before the infamous criminal's imprisonment. It became clear that Ouika, now escaped, sought vengeance.

Chapter 2: The Docks

The investigation led the adventurers to the bustling docks of Asvelgoth. Here, amidst the salty air and creaking ships, they discovered a shipment of special paper imported from the distant nation of Carrara. The registry indicated that the paper was delivered to warehouse number 555, signed by someone using the initials O.I.J.—Oscar Ignatius Kameson, a known alias of Ouika.

As they approached the warehouse under the cover of night, they encountered a lone guard. With quick thinking and swift actions, the party neutralized him and ventured inside. They found themselves face-to-face with Luna, a formidable cleric of the moon god, and several acolyte fighters. A fierce battle ensued amidst the crates and shadows.

Chapter 3: The Moon and the Sun

Luna, despite her strength, was no match for the combined might of the adventurers. As she lay defeated, she revealed crucial information: Father Ouika had taken Judge Mendelson to the catacombs beneath the old abandoned cathedral in the city’s old district, intending to use the judge's sacrifice to gain dark knowledge.

The party made their way to the cathedral, their path fraught with danger. Upon entering, they heard the distant echoes of chanting and saw the flickering of torchlight from below. Descending cautiously, they were met by Sun, a powerful wizard and lieutenant of Ouika, who wielded potent magic and commanded undead minions.

Chapter 4: The Catacombs

Navigating the labyrinthine catacombs, the adventurers fought through waves of zombies, their resolve unshaken. Sun, determined to protect his master, cast spells and sent his minions to attack. Yet, with sheer determination and strategic prowess, the party overcame these obstacles.

As they delved deeper, they finally confronted Father Ouika, who stood amidst a dark ritual, the bound Judge Mendelson at his feet. Ouika's chanting grew more fervent as the ritual progressed, a shadowy form beginning to take shape above the judge. Time was running out.

Chapter 5: The Final Battle

The adventurers engaged in a brutal battle against Father Ouika and his summoned ghost warrior, Pointer. Ouika cast powerful spells, summoning tentacles and launching magical assaults, but the party fought valiantly. Despite being restrained and injured, they managed to free themselves and press the attack.

Rojan’s blades flashed, Perdita’s arrows flew true, Alacian’s spells struck with precision, and Zeera’s divine magic provided crucial support. The combined might of the adventurers finally brought Ouika to his knees. With a last desperate move, Ouika attempted to cast one final spell, but his concentration faltered, and he collapsed.

Epilogue: Revelation and Reward

As Ouika fell, a dark angel named Goodbye appeared, bound to reveal one secret to the victorious adventurers. The party chose to learn the origins of the catacombs. Goodbye revealed that millennia ago, Asvelgoth was a beacon of knowledge and progress. During an epic battle with religious zealots, the arch-wizard cast a spell that buried the original city with all its marvels and horrors, forming the catacombs beneath the current city.

With this knowledge, the adventurers returned to the surface, where they were greeted as heroes. Judge Mendelson was rescued, and the city officials bestowed upon them the title of Protectors of the City, along with a reward of 1,000 gold pieces each.


The adventurers, now hailed as heroes, knew that their journey in Asvelgoth was far from over. The secrets of the catacombs and the city's dark past were now in their hands, guiding them towards future challenges and deeper mysteries.







Father Ouika

Asvelgoth Lore 1


  • Number of Families: There are twelve prominent noble families in Asvelgoth, each with its own history and influence.
  • Responsibilities: The council advises the Archon, helps draft laws, and manages different aspects of the city’s governance, such as trade, defense, and public works.
  • Intrigues and Rivalries: Noble families often engage in power struggles and form temporary alliances to push their agendas. These dynamics add a layer of intrigue to the city’s politics.


Ancient City and Catacombs

  • Beacon of Knowledge: Millennia ago, Asvelgoth was known as a center of learning and innovation, attracting scholars and sages from distant lands.
  • Religious Zealots: The city was besieged by religious zealots who believed the scholars' discoveries were blasphemous. The conflict culminated in a 100-day magical siege.
  • Epic Spell: Facing imminent defeat, the arch-wizard cast a powerful spell that buried the entire city along with its inhabitants, creating the catacombs. The current city was built on top of these ancient ruins.

Society and Culture

Noble Families in order of power

  • House Aurelian: Known for their military prowess and leadership in the city's defense.

    Bastion Aurelian. A skilled leader chosen by the council, known for their wisdom and diplomatic prowess. 

  • House Valerica: Renowned for their wealth and influence in trade and commerce.
  • House Corvinus: Esteemed scholars and mages, preserving the city's intellectual heritage.

    Linxora Corvinus: Head of House Corvinus and powerful wizard. An influential and formidable figure in Asvelgoth, Linxora Corvinus is known for her exceptional magical prowess and stern leadership. She had a close, possibly romantic, relationship with Maester Eustakius Sephiral and is deeply affected by his death.

    Lady Iovahana Corvinus: Granddaughter of Archwizard Linxora Corvinus. A young and knowledgeable member of House Corvinus, Iovahana provides the Protectors with insights into Maester Sephiral’s life and the tensions within the Academy. She later informs them about the freeing of Alacian’s soul and the displeasure of her grandmother.

  • House Daniels: In charge of casinos and alcohol.
  • House Luxsor: Known for trading with luxury goods. Importations and crafting.
  • House Silvara: 
  • House Cornell:
  • House Bostoro:
  • House Alvguard: 
  • Permadon:
  • Falaria: Elves
  • Esotera:
  • Merinoct:
  • Menhaden

Lesser houses

  • Salarius
  • Sephiral


Common Folk

  • Daily Life: Citizens of Asvelgoth despite crime and corruption the common folk engage in various trades, crafts, and services. The city is known for its bustling markets and skilled artisans.
  • Festivals and Traditions: The city celebrates numerous festivals, often with origins tracing back to the ancient city. These include the Festival of Lights, commemorating the city's resilience and knowledge.

The law

  • High Marshal: Jordan Bostoro, Human Fighter 2/ Rogue Inquisitive 6
    A stern and authoritative figure, High Marshal Bostoro is dedicated to maintaining order and justice in Asvelgoth. Provides the PCs with crucial information and  resources for their missions.
  • Captain of the Guard: Commands a specific district or section of the city, reporting directly to the High Marshal.
  • Lieutenant: Assists the Captain of the Guard and oversees smaller units or specific operations within a district.
  • Sergeant: Leads patrols and squads of city guards, responsible for the day-to-day enforcement of law and order. 
  • Watch Commander: Oversees the night watch or specific shifts, ensuring that the city is protected at all times.
  • Inspector: Investigates major crimes and coordinates with other law enforcement officers to solve complex cases.
  • Constable: An officer responsible for maintaining public order, often assigned to specific neighborhoods or beats.

Entire City

  • High Marshal: 1

Each District

  • Captain of the Guard: 1
  • Lieutenant: 2-3
  • Watch Commander: 2-4
  • Sergeant: 5-10
  • Inspector: 3-5
  • Inquisitor: 1-2
  • Constable: 20-50
  • Judicator: 1-2

Key Locations

The Great Hall

  • Function: The center of governance, where the Archon and the council of nobles meet. It also serves as a place for public gatherings and significant events.
  • Architecture: A grand structure adorned with intricate carvings and ancient symbols, reflecting the city's storied past.

The Catacombs

  • Layout: A labyrinth of tunnels and chambers beneath the city, filled with remnants of the ancient city, traps, and magical anomalies.
  • Secrets: The catacombs hold many secrets, including ancient artifacts, lost knowledge, and lingering spirits of the past inhabitants.

The Docks

  • Trade Hub: The docks are a vital part of Asvelgoth's economy, facilitating trade with distant lands. They are always bustling with activity.
  • Security: Given the docks' importance, they are heavily guarded and patrolled to prevent smuggling and ensure safe commerce.

The Old Cathedral

  • History: Once a place of worship in the ancient city, the old cathedral now stands abandoned. It is often the site of clandestine meetings and dark rituals.
  • Mystery: The cathedral is believed to be connected to the catacombs, with hidden passages and forgotten chambers.

The slumbs

  • Lucia Many Eyes: Halfling rogue and underworld informant. A resourceful and well-connected informant, Lucia operates within the shadows of Asvelgoth's criminal underworld. She provides Rojan with valuable information about Lady Vulture and other leads related to the murders.
  • Lady Vulture: Black market dealer. A mysterious and dangerous figure with a human body and a vulture head, Lady Vulture deals in rare and illegal magical items. She provides the Protectors with crucial information about the masked man’s activities and purchases.

The High Marshal’s Office

    Description: The central command for the city guard, led by High Marshal Bostoro. This is where the Protectors often receive their missions and report their findings. It is a fortified and well-guarded building, symbolizing law and order in Asvelgoth.

Professor Salarius’s House

    Description: A luxurious residence in the wealthy district of Asvelgoth. The house features a secret subterranean laboratory where Professor Salarius conducted his transmutation research. The site of his murder, it holds clues to the masked assassin’s methods.

The Park (Scene of Maester Sephiral’s Murder)

    Description: A large, scenic park in the rich district, known for its beautiful landscapes and serene atmosphere. It became a crime scene after Maester Sephiral was ambushed and killed here. Residual magical auras and a threatening message were discovered at this location.

House Corvinus

    Description: The grand estate of the powerful Corvinus family, located in an affluent area of Asvelgoth. The house is filled with ancient tomes, magical artifacts, and opulent decor. The library within is where Zeera Ibanez learned about Maester Sephiral and the dark artifact.

Lady Vulture’s Hideout

    Description: Located under the old clockwork factory in the old district, this hideout serves as the base of operations for Lady Vulture’s black market dealings. It is filled with crates and boxes of illegal magical items and guarded by her vulture-headed minions.

The Blue Diamond Hotel

    Description: The most luxurious hotel in Asvelgoth, known for its opulence and high-end clientele. The grand lobby has a tall domed ceiling, often bustling with activity. It becomes a battleground when the masked man, revealed to be a blue dragon, fights high-level wizards from House Corvinus. The penthouse where the masked man stayed holds critical clues to his plans.

The Penthouse at The Blue Diamond

    Description: The lavish suite where the masked man stayed. It contains valuable items and critical evidence, including magical wands, scrolls, potions, and the artifact resembling a clock that holds the trapped souls of the murdered wizards.

The Catacombs Below the Old Cathedral

    Description: Ancient tunnels beneath the city, steeped in dark history and filled with secrets. These catacombs serve as a secret meeting place for the High Marshal and the Protectors, away from prying eyes.

The Temple for the Resurrection Ritual

    Description: A sacred place where powerful clerics perform rituals, including the resurrection of fallen heroes. It is here that the Protectors bring Alacian Loc back to life, symbolizing hope and renewal amid their dark journey.

Key Figures

Current Archon: Bastion Aurelian. A skilled leader chosen by the council, known for their wisdom and diplomatic prowess.  

Heads of Noble Families: Influential figures who play significant roles in the city's politics and governance.  

Renowned Scholars: Individuals dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the catacombs and preserving the city's intellectual heritage.


  • Ouika cult: Father Ouika, Cleric, leader. Seeks dark knowledge and power.
  • Blade of Wispers: Is a ghost that is looking to poses a fit body to excerpt his vengeance on the current Archon. He was framed for a murder and condemned to die.
  • Rage for justice: Leader Grondell. Fighting social injustice using violent guerrilla tactics.
  • Ekleipsis: An Half-elf Half-Dragon sorcerer. Wizard's assassin. Thinks it's unnatural for people to learn magic from books. A powerful and enigmatic figure capable of transforming into a blue dragon. The masked man harbors a deep hatred for wizards, believing only naturally gifted arcane casters should wield magic. His attacks on the wizards of Asvelgoth drive the main conflict of the adventure.
  • Gaia Twins: Namrica and Samrica, 
  • Dagger Waltz: Constansa Melora, Bard.
  • Lady Vulture: Powerful witch, replaces victims heads with vulture heads. The subjects obey her without questioning.
  • The protectors guild: Not an official guild but a mob group who offers protection for a high percentage of earnings to small traders, merchants and businesses. They run whorehouses and illegal bets like animals, monsters and other creature fight pits. The truth is it's the illegal and secret arm of House Valeria.